> l
Suggested Defaults
When you create a new character, you will need to change a bunch of settings.
> i
You are carrying:
> Bogleg edit
Handy new character defaults, copy and paste:
(You should be able to figure most of these out using help
except #, which is the history command - help history.
A few are commands specific to items or locations on the
mud which you will use frequently.
Also don't forget your colors!)
prompt %c[cyan]%M[M]%N[N]%R[R]%O%o%g[G]%C%c[norm]>
buy guide
buy calculator
buy chat
buy contacts
buy dagger
contact options all clear
contact options inventory -a -c -g -q -t
contact options look -a -c -D -g -q -G
contact options peer -a -c -D -g -q -G
contact options glance -a -b -c -g -q -G
set ansi-longs off
set chantimes last
set notify-level mortal
set hist-size 20
sub /lsat /last
sub amu amulet
sub atx anti-toxin
sub b box
sub c corpse
sub d down
sub e east
sub m monster
sub n north
sub ne northeast
sub nw northwest
sub p backpack
sub profs proficiencies
sub s south
sub se southeast
sub sw southwest
sub u up
sub w west
unalias auction
unalias exa
unalias examine
unalias gossip
unalias newbie
unalias nickname
unalias radio
unalias unnickname
alias ap answer phone
alias ar admire rose
alias as activate shield
alias au channel auction
alias bm bid min on
alias bmu beam me up
alias ca condition all
alias cb cross bridge
alias cc0 change channel to 0
alias cc1 change channel to 1
alias cc2 change channel to 2
alias cc3 change channel to 3
alias cc4 change channel to 4
alias cc5 change channel to 5
alias cd close door
alias cf climb through fence
alias cl climb
alias cr crawl under tree
alias ct climb in truck
alias da deposit all
alias dbr press Dbr
alias dc Dest all corpse
alias de drink yellow liquid
alias df drain $1 ftg
alias dg drink green liquid
alias dh drain $1 hp
alias dj drink jug
alias dl drink blue liquid
alias dm drain $1 mana
alias dn deny humanity
alias dp drink potion
alias ds drink tequila
alias dx drink anti-toxin
alias eb enter booth
alias eg enter grating
alias ek eat keeshka
alias el elevator
alias em enter mirror
alias en enter portal
alias ep eat pie
alias eq equip
alias ev MES evac
alias f stand
alias g get $1 from backpack
alias g2 get $1 $2 from backpack
alias ga get all
alias gc get $1 from chest
alias gg get $1 $2 from chest
alias ghp group hp
alias gl glance
alias gm ground max
alias gos channel gossip
alias gr ground min
alias gt get $1 from backpack $2
alias id identify
alias ii i -I
alias k kill monster
alias ka kill all
alias km alias k kill
alias lb lie on bed
alias lim look in mirror
alias lis look into sphere
alias lob push lobby
alias lp list proficiencies
alias lr list resistances
alias ls list
alias mh mount horse
alias nb channel newbie
alias od open door
alias op press Ope
alias p put $1 in backpack
alias p2 put $1 $2 in backpack
alias pa pull shaft
alias pb push button
alias pbs pull back sheets
alias pc put $1 in chest
alias pd pinch daisy
alias ph place hands
alias pl pull lever
alias po ptalk Take me out!
alias pp put $1 $2 in chest
alias pr peer
alias pt put $1 in backpack $2
alias ptc ptalk Load The City
alias q consider
alias r reply
alias rb read book
alias rd channel radio
alias rds channel radio ]sing
alias ret retrieve
alias ri ride birdie
alias sa sell all
alias sc score
alias sk say kill
alias sl slide
alias so sit on chair
alias sr search
alias st stupor
alias tf throw flag
alias ts touch scarecrow
alias ua use amulet
alias ud unlock door
alias uo use orb
alias uq unequip
alias uw unwield
alias v cleanup
alias wc wield club
alias wd set wimpydir
alias wh whisper
alias whom who -pms eval
alias whomi who -ps eval -f i:1800
alias wk wield knife
alias wi who -i
alias wm who -pms eval -f i:1800
alias wo who -oms eval -f i:1800
alias ws wish on a star
alias wt watch tv
alias ww wield sword
alias z #!
Saving your position . . .
Thanks for playing, come back soon!